
Heart Opening Crystal Kit

Lattice Wing
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Five crystals selected to open and support your heart chakra - increasing compassion, self-love, acceptance, and gratitude, and facilitating forgiveness and trust. 

Four high quality tumbled stones of rhodonite, unakite, rare green tourmaline in quartz, and rose quartz, and a small Brazilian pink amethyst freeform. 

Pink Amethyst: divine love, soothing, comforting, guidance, decreases judgment

Rhodonite: grounding, forgiveness, inner talents, service to others

Unakite: alignment, healing of emotional wounds, patience, compassion

Green Tourmaline in Quartz: joy, optimism, gratitude, growth

Rose Quartz: unconditional love, self-love, heart opening, trust, acceptance

Please Note: The crystals in the picture are typical of what will be received, but are for example only.  Measurements are approximate, and each stone is completely unique.  They will vary in shape and color.  We will carefully select the perfect piece for the recipient with love.

NOTE: EACH PIECE OF PINK AMETHYST IN PARTICULAR IS EXTREMELY UNIQUE AND ONE OF A KIND - some have some gray, purple, or even green coloration. They are all beautiful, but please expect a unique piece!

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